Report Carbon Emissions
As corporations and people become more concerned with carbon emissions, knowing how much carbon impact is created by travel becomes necessary. But how to know? By having a travel partner like you that can provide the critical data.
EcoTrip, a Sabre Red App, helps you to report carbon emissions (CO2) for air, hotel, and car segments. Quickly calculate emission estimates for each segment in an itinerary using the simple interface. Emission totals can then be added to the PNR as remarks.

Simple Remarks
Remarks are simple no matter what you need. Get started right away by using the standard itinerary and invoice remarks provided. Or you can fully configure remarks according to your specific reporting requirements.
You can’t change what you can’t track. Start tracking with EcoTrip.
"With the Travel Automation “EcoTrip” app we can streamline and modernize the management and addition of emissions data to the PNR. With an application integrated into Sabre Red 360 workflows, EcoTrip can calculate total and segment-wise emissions and add CO2 information in the PNR faster than ever before."
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